Detailed Programme

Session 01

Introduction to Integrative Cancer Genomics Abel documents

Session 02

IntOGen in Integrative Cancer Genomics Michael documents

Session 03

Introduction to Gitools. Data visualization Michael documents

Session 04

Introduction to Enrichment Analysis Abel documents

Session 05

Sample Level Enrichment Analysis (SLEA) to assess the transcriptional status of pathways per sample Michael documents

Session 06

Browsing and analysing multi-dimensional cancer data with Gitools Michael documents

Session 07

Identifying functional non-synonymous SNVs using Condel Abel documents

Session 08

IntOGen, ICGC and TCGA Abel documents

Session 09

Identifying cancer driver genes and pathways from mutation data Abel documents

Session 10

Introduction to Biomart Michael documents

Session 11

Exploring gene networks with Cytoscape Abel documents