HDAC7 is a repressor of myeloid genes whose downregulation in pre-B cells is required for transdifferentiation into macrophages

Result Overview

Gene Ontology (GO) and pathways (KEGG) enrichment analysis for differentially expressed up-regulated and down-regulated genes in C10-MSCV cells treated with beta-estradiol for 48h (C10-MSCV-48h) and 72h (C10-MSCV-72h), also with HDAC7 for 48h (C10-HDAC7-48h) and 72h (C10-HDAC7-72h) in addition to beta-estradiol.

Enrichment Analysis

Beta-estradiol treated up-regulated genes

A) Biological Process (GOBP)

B) Cell Component (GOCC)

C) Molecular Function (GOMF)

D) Pathways (KEGG)

Beta-estradiol treated down-regulated genes

A) Biological Process (GOBP)

B) Cell Component (GOCC)

C) Molecular Function (GOMF)

D) Pathways (KEGG)